Scouts (school years 7-10) take adventure to a new level.
Monday Scouts: 7-9pm
Air and Land based all year round.
We run the Land Scout programme with some of the Air Scout programme as well. We don’t sail but we do get out on the kayaks.
The Air Scout part is learning about planes and meteorology. If you want to actually fly there is a Scout flying school for that!
Otherwise we do all the stuff that Thursday night does.
For further information contact:
Ian Hasell hasell.ian@gmail.com
Thursday Scouts: 7-9pm
We meet at the scout den next to Tui Park during Terms 2 and 3, and at the Boat shed next to Beachhaven wharf during Terms 1 and 4.
We are a joint land and sea scout troop and do both land and sea based activities. We have an active outdoor programme which includes abseiling, caving, tramping, sailing, kayaking, and basic camping and pioneering skills.
For further information contact:
Eamon Ellwood 021 168 4739 / eamonellwood@gmail.com
The Scout promise is:
On my honour, I promise to do my best,
to develop my spiritual beliefs,
to contribute to my community, country and world,
to help other people,
and to live by the Scout Law