Cub Packs meet on Monday’s 6pm – 7:30pm, Tuesday’s 6.30pm – 8pm.
Cubs do a wide range of activities including: hiking, kayaking, bivouac building, camping, bushwalking, outdoor cooking, expeditions, helping your Community, play games and making lots of friends.
Cubs can earn Personal Challenge Badges like Swimming, Hobbies, Pet Keeper, Scientist and Fishing.
There is an award scheme based on participating in activities and “learning by doing”. It has three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) based on the cornerstones, each of which is made up of four sections.
The Cornerstones are:
- Outdoors,
- Community,
- Personal Development,
- New Experiences.
For further information contact:
The Cub promise is:
On my honour, I promise to do my best,
to develop my spiritual beliefs,
to contribute to my community, country and world,
to help other people,
and to live by the Scout Law.